"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Friday, February 15, 2013

Our new home!

Can I just say how God has blessed us so much!!

He has provided for us in so many ways and mostly in things that we hadn't even thought of!  As you know, we left our babies home last week (which was an adventure in itself).  We were praying about where to move to.  We could have stayed there but the expense was too much and we needed to move our big family into a new setting for us and for our new little son.

We had been praying about where to go.  Our good friend whom we spent some time with here in Uganda so graciously offered us an apartment for a very inexpensive price.  The only problem was that it was VERY remote.  We knew we would have had to spend a lot of money on hiring a driver to come and get us to go anywhere.  There wasn't even a local market we could walk to.  We kept praying about the right spot for us...we knew it was out there!

A few days later, our good friend Charles called and said maybe we could stay at a guest house on his university's property.  He wasn't sure if it was available but he would check.  We decided to go and look at it.

We drove in and I fell in love!!!  I didn't care what the house looked like.  The grounds were beautifully landscaped and would provide a safe environment for my 4 kids to RUN FREE!

We meet one of the professors and his family and his wife gave us a tour of the 2-bedroom duplex and we fell in love with it.  Charles needed to get the ok that we could move in and what the price would be before we could move forward.

Jeff and I had decided that we were moving out of our babies home the next for sure!  So, we began praying.  Our only other option at the moment was this guest house that was too expensive and way too small for our family but that's all we had at the moment. We went to bed that night praying desperately that God would open the door for us to move into the university guest house.

The next morning, we packed up all of our 10 bags and countless bags of loose items and put it into our van and we still hadn't heard from Charles with the official word.  We headed over to our friends at Kirabo Seeds to have lunch and play with all of their awesome kids.

While we were there Charles called!  He said, "Good News!  The house is ready for you to move into and they decided to cut the price in half to help out your family!".  Can you believe it??

We shouted for joy and our friends celebrated with us!

After lunch, we headed over to the university to get settled in and set up our new life for the next few weeks!  We will post pictures soon and show you how wonderful it is here.  Jeff wants to sell our home and live here forever:)  If it wasn't for me...he just might!


  1. I have the feeling Jeff's mom wouldn't want y'all to move so far away right after getting a new grandson. We're so thankful you have good living arrangements. Did just Jeff leave, or did some of the kids go home too? Continuing to pray.

  2. Looking for a new house for your growing family with a tight budget must've been difficult. But I am happy to know that you have come across a good living arrangement. Doesn't it feel great when the thing you are praying for was given to you with much more than what you asked for? I find this truly magical and I am happy for your family.
    Genny Stutesman
