"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Saturday, February 9, 2013

First FULL-ON Tantrum

After we left our babies home and we headed out to the grocery store, Uchumi.

Both of my daughter's classes at school raised money for Drew's babies home and an orphanage we have befriended Kirabo Seeds…I talked about them a few days ago. One class did a coin drive and one class made Christmas wreaths and sold them.  We also received 20 sweatshirts and little embroidery on the collars. 

So, we decided to venture off and hit the grocery store and buy all the supplies and necessities that are vital in a babies home.  Uchumi is pretty modern so that even had carts with the little cars attached to it.  We grabbed one and Drew was not sure about it.  But once Andie went in he saw what to do so he pulled her out and got in and loved it.

The whole time we also had these 3 young boys following us everywhere we went.  I think that thought our girls were cute:)  Half way through our shopping trip I could tell he was getting a bit overwhelmed but I thought he would be fine. 

Boy was I wrong!

He reached out and wanted something on the shelf but I said, "no, thank you" and walked away.  He dropped to the floor and started crying.  I tried picking him up but he wanted to grab me and get down.  So, eventually I would set him down and he would hit the floor screaming, kicking and crying.  We did this over and over again for at least 20 minutes…even though it felt like an eternity.

Of course, everyone was staring.  Everyone here is always staring…that's another post!  But when there is a white woman and her whole family walking through the store with a screaming Ugandan child, everyone REALLY stares!  I tried to keep breathing and pray for him.  I realized many things.  He had never been to a big store like this and it was very overwhelming and he was already on edge from leaving the babies home and we were bordering on nap time. 

Finally, a worker came up to me and asked what was wrong and if she could help.  I told her the situation and she completely understood and felt bad for his struggles.  I couldn't do it anymore so I told Jeff I was heading to the car to let him scream there.  Of course, I told him we were going to the "moto car" and he stopped screaming and pointed to the parking lot.

We got in the car and he was happy as a clam!  He climbed into Ranger's lap and we drove away.  Within 3 minutes he was sound asleep.  I was so glad that was over.  My heart breaks for what he is feeling, although I am not sure exactly what it is.   He has only been left once before and probably thought we were leaving him too.

I kept reminding him we were going NOWHERE! I hope he hears me and that this soaks down into the marrow of his soul.  Only Jesus can heal his wound and hurts, but I am hoping He will also use us.


  1. We are praying for your family and Drew's healing! You are doing great, Daddy and Mommy. We are excited to see pictures of your sweet, new family!

  2. Oh Erin. What a complicated mess of emotions he is feeling right now. You are the perfect mom for him, so patient. Hang in there friend. So glad to hear that Drew is growing attached to your family. Lots of love.

  3. I love your posts and feel somewhat that I am there. Maybe re-living my grandchildren's adoptions. Though so different, there's just an overwhelming feeling with adoption. I really related to the stares of others. Though my grandkids were adopted in the states, we were not in our home-state and had to stay awhile there as paperwork was finalized. We took Payton to a baby store (now she was a newborn, so no screaming and kicking on the floor), but everyone just stared at us as these 2 blond ladies carried a dark skinned, kinky haired baby around. Thanks for the memories and sharing your story. Please continue and know that we are praying for you. God's blessing is upon Drew and he will be okay. What a blessing you are to him and he to you. God bless you abundantly!
