"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Saturday, February 2, 2013

New Friends

I have to apologize for being absent the past few days.  We have been staying busy and by the time I put my 2 yr old to bed, I am hitting the sack as well!

Today, I wanted to introduce you to some of our new friends.  I'm sorry that we can't add pictures right now but to download pictures is very expensive so we are waiting until we reach a place where we can get free internet and then Jeff will go back and add pictures to all the posts.

Ok, back to our friends!

About 1 year ago I found this blog of a lady (Tonya) who adopted a daughter from Uganda.  She's married, has 4 older boys and her 3 yr old daughter from Uganda.  They live in Texas and she comes over to Kampala about 4 times a year.  Over the past few years she has been following God's leading about starting a ministry here that helps children who's parents have died from AIDS. 

I have followed her trials and triumphs over this year.  It has not been easy but her and her team have kept trusting God and pushing forward against the enemy to help these children have a home, an education and a place where they learn about God's love.

A few months ago, I emailed her to ask a few questions about Uganda and what things were like in the big city.  She emailed me back and we formed a friendship over email.  She vowed to help us find a place to live and get us connected to a trustworthy driver.  She also welcomed us to go to her home, "Kirabo Seeds" to eat and fellowship with her staff & children anytime that we wanted.

When we were supposed to travel in December, I was going to carry over all the Christmas presents for the children's home and we were hoping to spend Christmas with them.  Our trip was postponed with no immediate plans for January.  We were devastated and tried to understand why the change of plans.  But God in His awesome ways, has had us travel here at the end of January…the same time Tonya was here with two of her children. 

We got a chance to meet and have become fast friends!  She introduced us to her awesome Ugandan staff and the wonderful children in her home.  These kids are aged 6-13 and they have been here in their home almost a year.  Just recently, God brought in a little 3 yr old boy who was desperately in need of medical treatment and needed a home.  So sweet little Marvin has joined the family and is learning and growing along with the other children. 

We got to spend a day with them and then we all went to church together and we went back to their home to have lunch and let the kids play.  It has been a nice change for my kids to be able to play with children their age and have a break from taking care of babies all day.  The kids in Kirabo Seeds are so awesome! They are some of the most hardworking, respectful and caring children I have seen.

We have fallen in love with the children and staff at Kirabo Seeds are we are looking forward to making many more memories with them.  We are also praying to see if there may be a future here with the Berean Way as well. Jeff and Tonya have already been brainstorming through some pretty amazing plans. You will have to stay tuned!

Please, take a moment to hop over to the Kirabo Seeds blog and read all about the wonderful ministry and the awesome things God is doing amidst all the trials that have come across them!  There are also opportunities to help sponsor these kids to go to school and and get a good education.  Tonya is a great writer and she will captivate you and I PROMISE you will also fall in love with these as we have!


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