"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Tuesday, February 19, 2013

A Chip To Bed

My sweet son knows something is different with his daddy, brother and sisters gone. He may not understand why they have left and that they have gone home to prepare for his homecoming...he wants them here!

Thankfully, we had a good day. We walked to the market and visited with a few friends, had dinner, watched a soccer match, came home cleaned dishes and then he had a bath. It was time to head to our room and sing a few songs before I cover him with kisses and prayers and lay him down in his crib. Tonight, he was absolutely insistent that he take his last Pringles chip to bed with him. I thought about it for a moment and was just about to open my mouth and let him know that we do not take food to bed (especially crumbly chips:) when he looked at me with his big, sad, beautiful brown eyes, I couldn't break his heart for another time today.

We are both grieving the departure of our loved ones and wish we were on that pane with them..PLUS, I have been sick the past few days (sore throat= voice not working quite right), so I decided to let him take that chip that was oh, so precious to bed with him.

He still tossed and turned for the next hour as we cuddled and I tried to fill his love tank right back to the top again. It's all quiet here now!

Sweet moments to treasure!


  1. Erin, what a journey you've had! I pray for peace and that god continues to work a miracle if bonding with you two. He was knit together by the Lord who wrote each day in his book. Part of that knitting was the place that only you and Jeff can fill. he was wired for your love. May the God of grace cover you in that. And may he also cover you with crumbly nighttime chips! ;)

  2. Erin, You have been on my heart so much. Know that we continue to pray for you and Drew and so look forward to meeting your son. Praying that you experience the sufficiency of God's grace and recognize His power being made perfect in your weakness. Love you and miss you and look forward to you being home.

  3. Just letting you know in lifting you all up in prayers today! Hang in there friend!
