"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Tuesday, January 29, 2013

Where is he?

I have been planning this moment for a long time.  In my mind, it included a video camera, photos and an amazing emotional introduction, and probably all of it happening in slow motion.

We pulled into the familiar setting and it was prettier than the videos showed.  I couldn't believe we were here.  After all the pictures and video I've seen of this wonderful place we were here and our son was inside! 

So where is he? We're they going to bring him to us or did we go in?  We parked and waited. Then they started to unload our bags into the babies home. So we helped. Still no one.

I wasn't really sure what was going on and how we would meet him, so we gathered our things and walked inside.  It was dark and quiet…too quiet!  The staff were coming by greeting us with handshakes and hugs with their big Ugandan smiles. : )

We went inside and down a dark hallway.  Ranger had the video camera.

All of a sudden, Drew appeared from around the corner.  I knew instantly it was him!  One of his Aunties was carrying him and announced to him his mommy and daddy were here to see him!  I looked at Jeff and smiled …not believing that moment was here really here.

Drew looked at us and was VERY serious!  Not sure what was going through his mind.  I then realized that the Auntie had just gotten him out of bed and woke him up from a deep sleep…that's why it was too quiet in the home:)

She pointed to Drew and announced that mommy was here and he needed to come and see me.  I put my arms out and he allowed me to take him.  He was soaking wet from sweating during his nap and was very groggy.  But he did not resist and just sat there in my arms and listened as I talked to him and introduced  him to his daddy, brother and sisters.

We stood in the dark hallway for a few minutes and talked and just kept staring at Drew soaking in every detail of him.  I handed Drew to Jeff and asked him if he wants to see daddy.  He also went right into Jeff's arms.

My memorial video and photo session never happened.  It was too dark and none of us were in a position to make a good film anyways, but it didn't really matter.  It was perfect.  We were taken upstairs to our living quarters and were given a tour of the bedrooms, mini kitchen and outdoor patio.  This all work just fine.

We were told that the staff had lunch ready for us.  We sat at outdoor patio and were served Irish potatoes, minced meat with grilled onions, white rice (with something in it…not sure what!), and a Ugandan version of baked beans.  It tasted good.  Drew sat with us and I fed him…he LOVES potatoes.  After a little while he had a few bites and a few sips of water and then he came alive!  He must take after me, I need a few minutes to wake up and get my wits about me before I can engage in much conversation.

He sat in a chair next to me and let me feed him food and give him water meanwhile chatting it up with rest of the family.  He talks A LOT but most of what he says we can't understand.  It's either Lugandan or his own made up language, I'm not sure yet which one it is. : )

After lunch, we played and played!  He is so social and likes to take us around the house.  He wanted me and Andie to put on our shoes and go for a walk around the compound.  We walk and talk, point out different plants and objects and he says hello to all the staff as we go by. 

Later, after we ate dinner, we got Drew all cleaned up in a new set of pjs and brushed his teeth and then I filled him with lots of kisses and prayers and laid him in the crib right next to our bed.  I covered him with his new animal blanket and gave him his fuzzy puppy dog and said goodnight!  He laid there closed his eyed and fell asleep.  I stayed in the room and pull my exhausted self right into bed and fell deep into the oblivion of my dreams with my new son sleeping right next to me! 

It's pure heaven!!


  1. Jeff, Erin, Ranger, Bella, and Andie,

    I cannot even articulate in words the sheer joy I am feeling on your behalf. I have been checking email and facebook every day since you left with incredible anticipation of this moment. God is so good. His timing is perfect. His ways are beyond knowing. His love for His people abundant beyond measure.

    I am looking forward to meeting this little boy. He doesn't even know how blessed he is to be a part of your family...ordained by God. Please know that the Dombrows love you and that we will continue to pray for sweet moments together with your son.

    Thank you so much for posting!

    Because of Jesus,

  2. Tears started flowing the moment I read the post and I'm not a crier. Thank you Jesus and thank you again. Erin, you described the meeting beautifully and I can picture it in my mind. My heart is so close to adoption I can almost feel your emotions. Your Arizona "friends" will continue to pray. Judy said after Drew gets accustomed and comfortable with all his new Oregon family and friends that she wants to visit. Well, I don't think I can let her go alone. I want to meet him too. Hope God can work that out for me. Again, we are rejoicing with you and your family!

  3. Erin I smiled and cried while reading this! I am so excited for your family and can't wait to meet Drew. We are praying for you guys.

  4. What a beautiful story of the love our Heavenly father shows us and has blessed you with. Such a gift I cannot even imagine how these memories are going to impact all your lives and ours!! Praise God ofr all these answered prayers and we can't wait to meet him! xxoox Jana

  5. Thank you for sharing your precious meeting of your son with such detail. God is so kind. We are rejoicing with you. We will continue to pray for you and look forward to hearing more of your journey.

    Love you guys!
    Aaron and Christina

  6. So excited for your family!! Wow you captured the moment in words the video isn't missed. And yes tears from the spears too. wow amazing

  7. I feel like I was watching a video. No need for one! I can't wait to meet my new nephew. Are you all moving to Uganda now? Like Joy said, we check email all day here because of the 11 hour time difference. Thanks for updating when you can. What are the next steps that have to happen? And thanks for sending us some sunshine. Love you all. The house is fine, and we wait for more news.
    Your twin sister, Wendy

  8. woohooooo! your baby is WITH YOU!!!
    happy happy happy!

  9. I can't stop smiling! This is so wonderful. :O)
