"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Friday, January 18, 2013

It's a miracle!

What do I say...I'm sitting here in bed and there is so much on my mind. It's racing in 50 different directions actually! We received word today that our investigation has been resolved and we need to be in Uganda before our court date on Feb 1st!

Yes, yes, yes...we are so excited!!!

I knew, I just knew that when we got that phone call yesterday the answer was going to be that our case is still delayed with no movement in the foreseen future. I had prepared my heart for that news...probably just to protect it from another devastating blow that our court date would be cancelled and we would not be traveling to go and meet our son and bring him home.

I am pretty good at defending and protecting my heart when needed! But nothing, did you hear me? NOTHING! Can prepare your heart for the journey of adoption! You can read thousands of blogs and talk to wonderful adoptive families and they will openly and genuinely share their stories of triumphs and trials. You listen intently, thinking maybe this will be what your story is like or maybe your child will be like theirs (either to good to be true or a terror of terrors). And so...you prepare yourself as best you know how!

There is a point in the process when you come to realize that you are actually clueless and you have absolutely have no control of anything!! That's a good place to be!

We've gone through 2 years of home studies, fingerprinting, USCIS forms, lots of paperwork and then the waiting list. Exactly 4 months ago, we were matched with the sweetest little boy who had been abandoned by everyone in the world and he desperately needed a family to call his own. We quickly fell in love and have been working hard to be ready emotionally, spiritually and financially over the course of these past months. Then came the devastating news of our trip being cancelled 2 days before we were to board the plane with our 3 kids and our many, many bags of luggage due to a few issues that arose and needed to be investigated!

Thankfully, we have the BEST agency and our Ugandan lawyer is full of integrity and committed to seek and find truth under all circumstances! So, we know that our sweet boy and our family are in good hands as we ALL keep trusting what God is doing and what He will do in the weeks to come!

So now...in 8 days our family of 5 will be boarding a plane heading to Uganda to meet our sweet boy and smooch on those precious little cheeks:-).

As our journey continues, I only have 1 thing to say to our friends, family or other adoptive families who are following our journey. The ONLY thing that is reliable in the midst of this crazy process with all the ups and downs is the One who asked us to step out in faith, trusting His plan for our future and the future of our family. God has been constant and faithful this whole way and I know He's not letting go now and when we board that plane we know the journey REALLY begins!

Come join us... it's going to be an adventure!



  1. yeah!! so happy for you guys!
    what WOULD we do without God through all of this?

    1. That is for sure! Make sure to let us know if you make it to Uganda while we are there! Prayers for your family as your time nears:-)

  2. We will be in Uganda with our 3 kids on Feb 6. Would love to connect with you.

    1. Sheila, how very cool is that! Let us know once you get all settled in. It would be fun to connect somehow and someway while we are all there! Safe travels!
