We boarded the plane in Portland and made a quick stop over in Seattle! We had time to grab some lunch, find our gate and then track down a Starbucks for a treat before we boarded our plane to Dubai.
The kids were in heaven on our plane! They have never really flown before so this huge plane with all the movies, games and music they could dream of was very fun! They were giddy as they discovered all the cool gadgets and turned on a movie as soon as possible!
We ate a few mediocre airplane meals, watched a few movies and TRIED to get a few hours of sleep. I'm not sure how successful we were at the sleep part but we all tried!
I am positive the only 2 people on the plane with a chronic cough sat right behind me and right next to me. I just kept thinking how thankful I was to even be on that plane! Ranger came home Friday from school not feeling well and Saturday he was worse, so we headed to the doctor to see what she said. She believed that he had influenza A and that he should not travel. We tracked down Tamiflu for the whole family (which was not easy...Jeff didn't get home until from the pharmacy until11:30pm that night) and then of course, we called all of our prayer warriors to start praying!
Thankfully, he didn't get any worse and by Sunday morning he had a shower, finished packing his bag and was ready to go. He has felt better and better as they day went on! Now, after 24 hours of flying he is completely back to normal! We are so thankful for your prayers!
We are now in Dubai and we SHOULD be sleeping but we are ALL wide awake! Playing a few rounds of Rummy Cube, having relay races across the airport and eating chocolate treats sent with us from a dear friend!
We land in Entebbe in 13 hours and then make our way through Kampala traffic as we make our way to our son! God is good!
God is so good! I am just sitting here smiling and knowing the feelings you have. Don't forget to write them down. I am so humbled each time I think about God's adoption of me and how we get to show that as well. Thanks for your obedience!