"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Thursday, January 31, 2013

First few days…

How do I describe these first few days in a way that you will understand?

I don't really have the words.  If I could just open my heart and show you how it looks and how it fells then you may have a slight idea.

Drew is so easy to love!  He is very funny, goofy and at time detail oriented.  He likes to put things right where they need to be or if something falls or is out of place he is the first one to pick it up and make it right!

His favorite word is "Come!".  And that definitely deserves an exclamation mark!  When he says "Come", he means it!  He will grab  you by the hand and take you right where he wants you.  He likes to grab one of us and take us for a walk outside in the compound.  He talks about what he sees and he likes to sing along the walk!

Singing…he is unbelievable!  He will sing for hours a day.  He knows all the tunes to most song but he doesn't know all the words. Some of the words he sings are Luganda and some of them are his own language but the chorus is always English.  So funny!  He loves to sing, Old McDonald Had a Farm, Jesus Loves Me, Wheels On The Bus, ABC's, Happy Birthday and You Are My Sunshine…there are many more but I'm too tired to think of them!

He is the oldest in his babies home and it shows.  He likes to boss the other kids around and sometimes he will push them down and then pick them right back up:)  It is definitely God's perfect timing for us to be here.  It is time for Drew to leave this sweet place that has loved him and taught him all about God's love.  It is time for him to come home with his family who is absolutely crazy about him!


  1. I keep telling Joe that he is going to be an evangelist / missionary to Uganda someday. Brandon better get ready for his little disciple

  2. How great it is that he is such a strong little guy!! He will fit in your family so well & it is so fun hearing the details of what your time with him is like. I agree with Rita - a new evangelist to Uganda!! Can't wait til you can bring him home!! xo Judy
