"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Tuesday, August 9, 2011

Waiting patiently

Ok . . . so sorry . . . I am still here!

Life keeps moving forward each and everyday. Our family is LOVING this summer! We have taken a trip to Montana to visit friends and then off to Alberta to visit my family and more friends! It was such a treat for me to reconnect with wonderful people who have helped shape me into the woman I am today. I haven't really been home (Alberta) much in the past 3 years, so for our family to take the time and make it happen was truly a blessing to me:-)

We have tried to swim as many days as possible, have friends over for bbq's, we've attended summer church camp, participating in community concerts and outdoor movies have just been a few of the highlights! And...just last week soccer and softball have started up AGAIN! I swear I can hear the leaves rustling in the wind getting ready to turn colors:-)

It has been a wonderful summer that I have enjoyed everyday with my 3 munchkins and sometimes many more...but something has been missing deep in my heart...our little boy all the way over in Uganda is not home yet!

Our adoption update:

Our paperwork, home study and our online training are all done! We went to get our biometrics fingerprints on June 7th. We left expecting a good 45 day wait to hear back (that was about average of how long our friends had been waiting). We were shocked on June 18th when our FDL showed up at our home in 11 days!! Maybe God knew we needed that:-)

We so we have officially been on the waiting list for almost 2 months. We have been told to expect to wait at least 6 months before we get our referral call for our son! Some times the days drag on and seem to go by so S.L.O.W.L.Y and other days I can barely keep up!

These past few months have been a good time for our family to pray diligently for him and to expect great things as we seek the Lord as a family on behalf of "little Valdes".

We also want to thank each of you for your prayers and support! Also, so many of you have gone out of your way to show love and financial support for our family as we move forward to bring our son home!

Thank you, thank you!! God is using you to be a part of something GREAT!

I promise to do a better job updating the blog and sharing the AWESOME things God is doing!

It's all about Jesus!

Erin & Valdes fam

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