"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Thursday, January 27, 2011

Boys will be Boys!

 So my boys headed out of town last week to have some real "male bonding"!  Anything that involves shooting "something that breathes", the girls and I freely let them go (in the freezing cold, up "way too" early, and cleaning out dead animals).  We will happily stay home and watch a few romantic Janette Oak movies:-) 

We are trying to keep ourselves busy as we wait for our paperwork from America World.  Somehow our check has been lost in space so we are now trying to track it down so we can actually start our dossier!  Thankfully, a few weeks ago I ordered birth certificates for Jeff & I.  At least I feel like I have done SOMETHING!  I have heard it said that once you start your dossier it's like starting a 40hr a week job...oh my!

Hopefully, next time we will have something exciting to share besides dead birds!

Much love, 


  1. So, so excited! By the way... I love the family pic at the top. Who took them for you? Your family looks amazing... each one of you! We miss those faces!

  2. Shad handled all of our paperwork and organization. I will be praying for you, because it is alot! Will America World help you with your dossier? I think I read a comment on an earlier post about using a 3 ring binder. Do that, but make sure it is BIG (3 inch rings should be enough!). Do you have an approximate time frame yet?

  3. Jen, Yes, AW is helping us alot. We don't really know about the time frame. They say 4-11 months after our dossier is in. Probably on the shorter side because we are putting in for a toddler not a baby. I love it that so many people have gone ahead of us on this journey...we have many loved ones to get counsel from!

  4. Hey friend, you gonna update this thing or what?! ;-) Miss ya!
