"Whether you turn to the right or to the left, your ears will hear a voice behind you saying- This is the way, walk in it!" Isa.30:21

Wednesday, August 22, 2012

Summer is coming to a close in a few short weeks.  I CAN'T believe that these months have gone by so quickly and now we are approaching fall and the new school year soon.  I say all that with such different emotions flowing through me.

First of all, I am READY for a schedule!  Hubby keeps reminding me how much better I do with an organized schedule and my calendar all filled up with what and where we need to be.  We have had a awesome, fun-filled summer but it's has also been relaxed and VERY unscheduled!  So...the time has come to organize!!  I have 3 kids going in 3 different directions so we have pulled out the calendar and it is starting to fill up.

Secondly, I have mixed emotions about school starting.  We were REALLY, REALLY hoping that we would have travelled to Uganda with the family this summer.  But it didn't happen, so now we enter the fall and school with still no word about our "little brother".

We were preparing to travel in the summer...we had the time, kids out of school and we were very excited to head to Uganda to meet our little brother! But, here we are with the school year starting with no brother and STILL no travel plans to Uganda.  (Sigh)

My girlfriend posted this on FB the other day...perfect timing for me in my moment of self-pity:)